Thursday, 10 July 2008

Thou shalt not covet (i)

I treated myself to one of those "interiors/you too could live like this if you got your act together and somehow managed to raise an unattainable amount of money and were in hock until your heirs pay off your debts" magazines yesterday. I know I shouldn't, because at the moment life feels so uncertain, with so much going on and little resolved. However, occasionally it is pleasant to look, appreciate...and covet. It's not even big things which get me. I read one makeover by a lady who lives in the town most of my father's ancestors come from. Such is my desperation to "return" there, and my feelings of one with the place, I have seriously considered buying a beach hut, and living in it year round. Anyhow, this lady had moved into the town on a whim, paid a vast amount to buy one of the fisherman's houses overlooking the sea, renovated and decorated on a huge budget, and displayed it for the world to see. My resentment was almost at fever pitch until I saw the item which sent me over the edge.

Several different branches of my family tree were original part owners of the Whitstable Oyster Fishery Company. And so, when I saw this, all I could think was 'I want one'. Envy is a disconcerting trait. My waking thoughts today have been focussed solely in this item.